♦STANDARDS: EN 1338, 1340, 12390-5, 12390-6, BS 1881, ASTM C78, C293, C496
The multipurpose LİYA Flexural Testing Frames are designed for minimum deflection at maximum load resulting in very high accuracy. The load frame is a welded steel fabrication carrying the ram fitted to the steel base. All Frames have a single acting up stroking ram with over travel switch protection to stop the machine when maximum ram travel is reached. A load cell is used for load measurements on all frames.

Flexural Frames are designed to accept all accessories required for flexural or compression tests.
Flexural Frames are 100 kN, 200 kN, 300 kN capacity U Type, 300 kN, 400 kN capacity C Type and 200 kN, 300 Kn, 400 kN capacity two column open structure designed to allow easy and practical front loading of the specimen.
The main characteristics are:
* High stability welded assembly
* High accuracy load measurement with load cells
* Can accept wide range of accessories for mentioned standards
* Can be connected to LİYA Compression Machine or Hydraulic Power Pack