BE 99 ელასტიური, წყალგაუმტარი ფასადის საღებავი

ელასტიური, წყალგაუმტარი ფასადის საღებავი
ტექნიკური მონაცემები

Elastic, Waterproof Exterior Wall Paint

ISONEM BE 99 It is a paint that forms a seamless, elastic and waterproof layer by drying on the surface on which it is applied. It creates a decorative coating. It is water-based polymer-based, solvent-free and has 300% elasticity. It can be applied on dry or slightly moist surfaces. It is resistant to UV and outdoor weather conditions. It is water-impermeable but has a water vapor permeable structure. It provides the buildings to breathe and prevents moisture, damp with this feature. Thanks to its special formula, it does not keep dirt and preserves its first-day feature for many years. It prevents the carbon dioxide gas formed in the structure and thus protects the equipment in the concrete by reducing the formation of carbonization. It protects the buildings against the effects of rain, dirt, traffic etc. from the external environment. Since it has high elasticity, it is not affected by cracks that may occur on the building surface.


Density  (25°C, g/mL): 1,40 ± 0,10

pH (25°C): 7,0 - 9,0

Viscosity  (25°C, mPa.s): 28000 – 32000

Solid content (% Weight): 79 ± 2
Water transmission rate (kg/ m2. h0,5): < 0,1 CLASS W3

Adhesion strength by pull-off test (N/mm2): Crack bridging flexible systems without trafficking ≥ 0.8, with trafficking 1.5 N/mm² 

Permeability to water vapour (m): 5 ≤ SD ≤ 50 CLASS II

Solvent: Water

CONSUMPTION: 0,5 - 1 kg/m² (It may vary depending on the colors, the properties of the application surface and the pattern roll to be applied.)